New Year Message from Premier of the Province of British Columbia John Horgan

BC州ジョン・ホーガン州首相から新年のごあいさつ。New Year Message from BC Premier John Horgan

The 33rd Annual British Columbia Japanese Speech Contest

The 33rd Annual British Columbia Japanese Speech Contest will take place on March 6, 2021
バンクーバーダウンタウンにオープンしたDaiso Daiso Canada のTwitterより ©Daiso Canada

Daiso Japan opened its doors in downtown Vancouver on April 1

The Japanese variety store, Daiso has opened its doors in downtown Vancouver, B.C.

Japanese Canadian Remembrance Day 2021 Interviews

After the Japanese Canadian Remembrance Day ceremony, we interviewed five Japanese Canadians whose family members served during the First and Second World Wars as Canadians.

VPL is seeking a Writer in Residence

Vancouver Public Library is currently seeking a Writer in Residence in order to highlight the importance of Canadian writing and creativity.

The Rescuers online film screening

The Rescuers uncovers the largely unknown stories of 13 heroic and courageous diplomats.
The Japanese Canadian War Memorial in Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC; Photo by © the Vancouver Shinpo

Remember the Japanese Canadian history on the 9th of April

Today we have an opportunity to think back what happened on April 9, 1920.

A Message from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Ms. Ruth Midori Coles, President of Nikkei Seniors Health Care & Housing Society, at Robert Nimi Nikkei Home 20th Anniversary Luncheon on September 17, 2022. Photo ©2022 Nikkei Place Foundation, by Manto Artworks

Ms. Ruth Midori Coles is awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and...

Ms. Ruth Midori Coles, President of Nikkei Seniors Health Care & Housing Society, is awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays.

Today’s セレクト
