New Year Message from Premier of the Province of British Columbia John Horgan
BC州ジョン・ホーガン州首相から新年のごあいさつ。New Year Message from BC Premier John Horgan
バンクーバー朝日元選手 上西ケイさんの百寿を祝う、Nikkei community celebrates Asahi legend Kaminishi’s 100th birthday
戦前の日系人野球チーム、バンクーバー朝日の元選手 上西ケイさんが100歳の誕生日を迎え、多方面から百寿を祝う声が届いた
VPL is seeking a Writer in Residence
Vancouver Public Library is currently seeking a Writer in Residence in order to highlight the importance of Canadian writing and creativity.
The 16th “Okuni Jiman – I ❤️MY HOMETOWN: Okinawa” Zoom Event
The 16th "Okuni Jiman - I ❤️ MY HOMETOWN" Zoom Event: Okinawa
Remembrance Day 2020, Japanese Canadian War Memorial in Stanley Park
Ceremony at Japanese Canadian War Memorial was held at Stanley Park
The Rescuers online film screening
The Rescuers uncovers the largely unknown stories of 13 heroic and courageous diplomats.
BC NDP promises to honour the Japanese-Canadians by recognizing a historic wrong
BC NDP promises to work with Japanse Canadians to heal past trauma from interment camps
The 17th “Okuni Jiman – I ❤️ MY HOMETOWN Okinawa part-2” Zoom Event
The 17th "Okuni Jiman - I ❤️ MY HOMETOWN " Zoom Event Okinawa Part-2
The 33rd Annual British Columbia Japanese Speech Contest
The 33rd Annual British Columbia Japanese Speech Contest will take place on March 6, 2021
Celebrating the Past, Present and Future of Nikkei Home
Recognizing the 20th Anniversary of Nikkei Home
Daiso Japan opened its doors in downtown Vancouver on April 1
The Japanese variety store, Daiso has opened its doors in downtown Vancouver, B.C.