


本堂ではお守り、おみくじ、宝くじ (50/50 draw)の販売、別回向、家内安全、厄除けなど個人の祈祷の申し込みができます。お支払いは現金でお願いします。


お問い合わせは (604)939-7749 又は tozenji.bc@gmail.comまで連絡下さい。

東漸寺 209 Jackson Street, Coquitlam(無料駐車場有り、Skytrain Braid駅から徒歩15分)

Annual New Year’s Eve and New Year’s activities at Coquitlam’s Tozenji Temple.

Joya no Kane:  December 31 (Sun)  Prayer service at the Main Hall begins at 11:30pm, followed by bell striking at the bell tower.

Hatsumode: January 1 (Mon) to 3 (Wed)  The temple ground is open from 10am to 5pm.  The first prayer service (Shushou-e) held from 10:00am on January 1 at the Main Hall.

Omamori, Omikuji and Takarakuji (50/50 draw) will be on sale, and personal services such as Betsueko、Kanai-anzen and Yaku-yoke are available upon request.  All payments by cash only.

The number of people in the Main Hall will be limited and we may ask people to wait outside.  Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

For details, please contact (604)939-7749 or tozenji.bc@gmail.com

Tozenji:  209 Jackson Street, Coquitlam(free on-site parking, 15-minute walk from Skytrain Braid Station)